What works? Work.

I’ve said it before.  This is hard. When you boil it all down, the only thing that works is work.  There’s no simple way to do lose weight.  You have got to put in the work.  I can say this,  if you do the work, it will work.  You’ve probably heard my mantra, “Eat less, […]

Third 5k. 1/2 way there.

The 5k times are posted. 36:39! I know that might seem slow to some, but that’s almost a full minute faster than my goal of 37:30. To top it off, I finished in the top 1/2 of the field. Onwards and upwards. My next one is not scheduled till May. I’m hoping to cut at […]

My first 5k!

Yesterday I ran my first 5K! When I started training in July, my 5k time was 1:12:00. I was hoping to finish under 45:00, and my official time was 42:18! I’m so thankful to my loving wife for supporting me through it all, and thanks to the ‪#‎TritonDigital‬ lunch time running crew for pushing me to […]